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Lori Bradseth
Administrative Specialist
Main Office Staff
Bemidji Regional Interdistrict Council
Renae Donaghue
Assistant Director of Special Education
Supervising Staff
Cell: 218-368-3783
BRIC: 218-751-6622 ext. 31
Shelley Nistler
Business Manager
Main Office Staff
218-751-6622 ext. 36
Bemidji Regional Interdistrict Council
Yvette Olson
Business Office Assistant
Main Office Staff
218-751-6622 ext. 0
Bemidji Regional Interdistrict Council
Michael Parry
Assistant Director of Special Education
Supervising Staff
Cell: 320-493-6321
BRIC: 218-751-6622 ext. 30
Heidi Ryan
Assistant Director of Special Education
Supervising Staff
Cell: 218-368-6365
BRIC: 218-751-6622 ext. 29
Brenda Story
Executive Director / Director of Special Education
Executive Director
Cell: 218-368-4217
BRIC: 218-751-6622 ext. 23