The Minnesota Low Incidence Projects are designed to assist school districts across the state in fulfilling federal requirements in the areas of implementation of the IDEA, professional development and ensuring the availability of high quality staff in the low incidence areas of Special Education. Low Incidence refers to disability areas that occur rarely or in low numbers. In Minnesota there are nine disability categories that are considered low incidence: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Deaf and Hard of Hearing (DHH), DeafBlindness (DB), Developmental Adapted Physical Education (DAPE), Developmental Cognitive Disabilities(DCD), Physically Impaired (PI),Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), Vision Impairment (VI), and Severe Multiple Impairment (SMI). Region 1 & 2 offers support for staff through community of practice meetings, training opportunities and tuition support. It also provides connections for staff to resources, equipment, curriculum, programming ideas and more.
Resources & Services